Do you offer guarantees on landingpage results?

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What are we talking about here?

In order for a business to function online, it must meet three main characteristics:

  • Responding in the right way to a specific market demand
  • Effectively communicate your strengths and differentiating factor
  • Being exposed to profiled audiences potentially interested in purchasing.

Unfortunately, I can only act on one of these two variables, and they must all be verified to be successful online.

If for example.

  • The market is not ready for your product or service
  • There are serious reputation problems
  • Users do not express specific needs or problems
  • If your customersā€™ path to purchase does not involve the web

ā€¦Unfortunately, I canā€™t do much.

Through experience, however, I can tell you what critical issues I see in the project and warn you before accepting the assignment. I put a lot of effort into making sure that my landing pages are effective, and if the project is at risk, I prefer to express my doubts right away and-in the case-give up the order.

However, the first consultation is free so I suggest you call me to chat or, even better, write me to arrange a Skype appointment.


I am a marketer specializing inĀ online customer acquisition.Ā I have over 18,000 hours of specific experience andĀ work only for Freelancers, SMEs or Micro Businesses.

What you read in this blog is from direct experience and finds its full validity in the context in which I operate: I am talking about what works for companies like yours, not for those in the U.S.

Are you an entrepreneur?
Do you want to acquire online customers for your business?
Turn your offer into the best answer to your customers' problem

Table of Contents

Are you an entrepreneur?
Do you want to acquire online customers for your business?
Turn your offer into the best answer to your customers' problem